The musings of a previously unemployed Jewish Freemason. I write about the job search, about Judaism, and about Freemasonry.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back to work

After three months out of work, I have a new full-time permanent job as an implementation engineer for a medical software company. I have leads that I've been following for months, but this opportunity came with a phone call last Wednesday, an interview on Thursday, and an acceptance call on the ride home from the interview. I completed the paperwork yesterday. I'm very pleased.

I'm the Massachusetts 3rd District Deputy Junior Grand Warden, and we have Fraternal Visits starting this Friday, and my job has a fair amount of travel, but I'm sure I'll work it out to everyone's advantage.

I went to a Table Lodge last Saturday at the neighboring 4th District, and had a very enjoyable time. I noticed that the ritual that was used was closer to the Scottish Rite EA degree than the mainstream York Rite blue lodge degree.


  1. As I said to you in person - Congratulations on the new job! Being unemployed, especially in the current topsy turvy economy, is a scary prospect indeed.

    Table lodge sounds like fun, but also sounds a smidge torturous. I'm not sure I'm up to the challenge :)

  2. Congrats again about your new job & as always I love what you are doing for our brotherhood.
