The musings of a previously unemployed Jewish Freemason. I write about the job search, about Judaism, and about Freemasonry.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"The Menaissance" by Brett McKay

If you haven't checked out The Art of Manliness, then you should. This is an excellent resource for men everywhere, and I'm very impressed with its two creators, Brett and Kate McKay. They have published a book that is also worth reading. Brett was asked to sum up his philosophy in five minutes, with 20 slides, and this is his result. I'm very impressed.

They have a community associated with the blog, and I find it a very worthwhile community in which to participate.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wordle Image of This Blog

Wordle: Corn, Wine and Oil

Here's a Worldle Image of this blog, for your amusement and enlightenment.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back to work

After three months out of work, I have a new full-time permanent job as an implementation engineer for a medical software company. I have leads that I've been following for months, but this opportunity came with a phone call last Wednesday, an interview on Thursday, and an acceptance call on the ride home from the interview. I completed the paperwork yesterday. I'm very pleased.

I'm the Massachusetts 3rd District Deputy Junior Grand Warden, and we have Fraternal Visits starting this Friday, and my job has a fair amount of travel, but I'm sure I'll work it out to everyone's advantage.

I went to a Table Lodge last Saturday at the neighboring 4th District, and had a very enjoyable time. I noticed that the ritual that was used was closer to the Scottish Rite EA degree than the mainstream York Rite blue lodge degree.